Roadrunner (OTCMKTS:RRTS) Introduces LTL Service to Denver
Naples, FL
February 22, 2023 04:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
The commercial transportation industry is back in favor again among investors following the complete opening up of economies in the world and one of the companies which is well worth the attention is Roadrunner (OTCMKTS:RRTS).
The company has managed to make one of the most remarkable turnarounds in the industry and currently provides more direct metro-to-metro long-haul shipping than any other national operator of its kind. It has a national footprint and boasts 37 metro markets, hence, it is perhaps no surprise that Roadrunner’s SmartNetwork is currently the preferred choice for companies that want to move freight reliably and quickly.
Roadrunner also boasts of an award-winning platform of its own which is powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies. The platform helps in providing the necessary controls and real-time visibility. The fact that Roadrunner offers so many direct metro routes makes it possible to keep rehandling to a minimum. It limits the risk of damage or loss.
Last week on February 16, the company announced that it was expanding its SmartNetwork by including the new inbound service to Denver in Colorado. It was a significant new announcement from the company considering the fact that it was the first market opening in many years and was a testament to the positive momentum that Roadrunner managed to gather in recent times.
Not too long ago, the company announced that it had managed to reduce transit times across 130 major lanes and had also launched the next business day service between SoCal and Chicago. The Chief Linehaul Network Engineer of Roadrunner Phil Thalheim spoke about the development as well. He noted that the company was constantly on the lookout for ways to enhance its network so as to serve its customers in a better way. That was the reason why the company had decided to start the service in Denver.
Earlier in the year, on January 31, 2023, the company announced that it had been bestowed with the Elite Carrier Award by Total Quality Logistics. It was a prestigious achievement for Roadrunner considering the fact that Total Quality is the second biggest freight broker and among the biggest third-party logistics companies in North America.
The company won the award after it announced that it had managed to reduce transit times in as many as 130 major lanes by 1 to 4 days. It also announced the launch of its SoCal-Chicago routes and the launch of the Haul New app, which provides its clients with real-time tracking.
The company kicked off the New Year with a major announcement with regard to the biggest round of improvements that it had made to its transit routes. At the time, the company announced that it had leveraged advanced technologies like artificial technology and machine learning to provide more direct metro-to-metro long-haul routes than any other airline.
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Contact Details
Mark McKelvie
+1 585-301-7700
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