Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Center of Excellence (COE) Creating Community of Interest to Assist Defense Industrial Base (DIB)Improve Cybersecurity Protection & Resilience
Washington DC
October 12, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
The Information Technology Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC), a public/private partnership serving the public sector, announced the establishment of a new Cybersecurity Maturity Model (CMMC) Center of Excellence (COE) intended to advance the goals and objectives for improving the cyber and supply chain security and resilience of the Department of Defense (DoD) global Defense Industrial Base (DIB) network of contractors, suppliers, and vendors.
The CMMC-COE will focus on bringing together the many disparate cyber and national security communities of interest under one roof to reduce complexity, improve awareness, and accelerate industry effort to become more cyber resilient against the growing threats from nation states and criminal enterprises.
The CMMC-COE partner network will be sharing a wide range of capabilities from member organizations, including; cyber standards frameworks, education, solution architectures, cyber mentoring, workforce, and other elements needed to scale to the demands of the entire DIB market place in the US and abroad (400,000 contractors).
The CMMC-COE establishes both a Market Place and Knowledge Clearinghouse that will include resources that support the overall effort, including white papers; tutorials; recorded webcasts; presentations; and more that will help reduce the cost and burden on small/medium size contractors already struggling from the impact of COVID.
For more information on the CMMC COE, please visit email or call 703-863-3766
The Interoperability Clearinghouse (ICH), is the managing partner that make up the 24 NGO/SDO organizations that make up the IT-AAC. ICH provides the contract vehicles, clearances, and critical resources proven to guide sustainable, measurable and repeatable processes needed to drive better investment decisions as the speed of mission need, while aligning existing processes, methods and workforce with IT reform mandates contained in Clinger Cohen Act, FITARA, IT MGT Act, EO13838.