Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work: Preparing the Workforce for an AI-Driven Economy Media tour conducted to discuss the U.S. Chamber's AI Commission report outlining recommendations for preparing the workforce for the continued integration of AI tools across the economy.

A video accompanying this announcement is available at:
Over the next 10 to 20 years, virtually every business and government agency will use Artificial Intelligence. This will have a profound impact on society, the economy, and national security.
ChatGPT and autonomous vehicles are two examples of the various applications of AI that demonstrate the ability these technologies have to fundamentally transform how Americans live and work.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Commission on Artificial Intelligence Competition, Inclusion, and Innovation recently released a report outlining recommendations for how to address key risks associated with AI, while maximizing the technology’s enormous potential benefits.
The report recommends that policymakers must address regulations, workforce preparation and education, global competitiveness—especially pertaining to intellectual property—and national security protections. The U.S. should not pause the development of AI, but rather take the necessary action to ensure we have trustworthy AI and maintain a competitive position in the global economy.
Jordan Crenshaw, Senior Vice President of the Chamber’s Technology Engagement Center conducted a nationwide media tour discussing the report and the state of Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work.
Topics that Jordan discussed included:
- How widespread will the use of artificial intelligence be in the coming years.
- How to get the U.S. workforce ready and ways to help businesses hire people.
- Ways the U.S. can stay competitive.
- Concerns about regulating artificial intelligence. Should there be a pause on development?
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