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kevin. trionfa con la prima transazione NFC da conto a conto su iPhone


In un evento all'avanguardia destinato a sconvolgere il panorama dei pagamenti in negozio, kevin., pioniere nella tecnologia dei pagamenti, ha condotto con successo la prima transazione NFC da conto a conto su un iPhone. Video della transazione: link In un mondo finanziario dove la comodità e la sicurezza sono fondamentali, kevin. ha stabilito un nuovo apice eseguendo il primo pagamento NFC da conto a conto non-Apple Pay su un iPhone. Questo salto tecnologico segue la pressione della Commissione Europea su Apple per democratizzare l'accesso al NFC. Ciò avviene dopo anni in cui il controllo rigido di Apple sulla tecnologia NFC nei dispositivi iOS aveva soffocato la concorrenza di terze parti. Pavel Sokolovas, cofondatore di kevin., esprime l'importanza di questo momento: "Superare le ultime barriere dei pagamenti NFC su dispositivi iOS rappresenta un vero momento di svolta. Siamo immensamente orgogliosi di essere i primi a fornire transazioni da conto a conto utilizzando il NFC di Apple, dando ai consumatori il potere di scegliere come pagare." Nel gennaio 2022, kevin. ha fatto parlare di sé abilitando questo metodo di pagamento innovativo per gli utenti Android, una mossa lodata per la sua originalità e il suo impulso verso un ecosistema di pagamento aperto. Ora, con i cambiamenti normativi in corso, kevin. ha rapidamente ottenuto l'autorizzazione nell'ambito del Programma di NFC di Apple e si è impegnato nello sviluppo nel loro ambiente controllato. A solo sei settimane dal lancio del programma di Apple, kevin. ha festeggiato l'esecuzione riuscita della transazione sperimentale in modalità di sviluppo, preparando il terreno per ciò che potrebbe rivoluzionare le interazioni al punto vendita (POS). Sokolovas ha delineato il percorso tecnico: "Abbiamo sviluppato rigorosamente all'interno del quadro architettonico di Apple. Il nostro team ha lavorato incessantemente per integrare la nostra soluzione tecnica kevin. nell'emulazione di carta host (HCE) di Apple, inclusi standard di sicurezza, validazione delle transazioni e molto altro per creare un'esperienza senza soluzione di continuità consentendo transazioni agli utenti direttamente dalle loro app bancarie o di portafoglio." La Commissione Europea continua a monitorare i feedback dagli sviluppatori precoci come kevin. mentre prevede l'inizio ufficiale di una più ampia implementazione del NFC. Questo controllo sottolinea l'impegno della Commissione a nutrire l'innovazione e la competizione equa nel settore dei pagamenti mobili. Guardando avanti, si prevede un aumento dei pagamenti simili a seguito di questo successo iniziale. kevin. ha effettivamente stabilito un precedente dominante, promettendo un mercato aperto dove i consumatori non sono più limitati da piattaforme di pagamento specifiche per dispositivo – una riformulazione fondamentale di come vengono condotte le transazioni in tutto il mondo. kevin. è un'azienda di tecnologia visionaria che sta rimodellando i sistemi di pagamento per le esigenze di domani. Dalla loro sede globale in Europa all'espansione recente nel fervente centro finanziario di Dubai, la missione di kevin. è stata coerente: offrire tecnologia affidabile end-to-end e significativi risparmi sulle commissioni di transazione senza cambiare il modo in cui le persone pagano. L'introduzione della loro rete di accettazione di pagamenti multitenant e agnostica al marchio segna un cambio significativo per consumatori e imprese, concedendo autonomia e valore senza gli impedimenti della tecnologia ereditata. Download: logo Kevin, immagine di Pavel Sokolovas e video della transazione iOS: collegamento - fine - Informazioni su kevin. kevin. è un'impresa tecnologica pionieristica con la missione di rivoluzionare i sistemi di pagamenti obsoleti. Con un'infrastruttura di recente costruzione, kevin. rende le transazioni più efficienti, sicure e comode sia per le vendite digitali che fisiche. La loro rete di accettazione dei pagamenti multitenant è white-label, agnostica al marchio e priva di intermediari, offrendo ai partner il controllo completo dei loro processi di pagamento in negozio. Ciò li rende capaci di sbloccare un valore maggiore attraverso nuovi servizi, tassi di conversione migliorati e una lealtà del cliente rafforzata. La rete di kevin. ridefinisce i pagamenti internazionali, garantendo un'infrastruttura di pagamento NFC da conto a conto sicura e senza soluzione di continuità per i terminali POS in tutto il mondo. Questa innovazione offre un'esperienza di "tap and go", compatibile sia con dispositivi Android che iOS, rendendo i pagamenti internazionali familiari come quelli locali. kevin. è supportata da Accel, Eurazeo e altri investitori, tra cui OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean e Global Paytech Venture. Impegno per l'Ecosistema L'obiettivo di kevin. è potenziare tutti i giocatori nell'ecosistema dei pagamenti, incluse banche, portafogli digitali, rivenditori e altri. L'azienda consente a queste entità di avviare i propri schemi indipendenti non a carta o di espandere i loro servizi connettendosi con una rete esistente sulla piattaforma kevin. Contact Details NettResults Relazioni Pubbliche Nick Leighton +1 949-478-5880 Company Website

April 11, 2024 07:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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kevin. triunfa con la primera transacción NFC de cuenta a cuenta en iPhone


En un evento innovador destinado a trastornar el panorama de los pagos en tiendas, kevin., pionero en tecnología de pagos, ha realizado con éxito la primera transacción NFC de cuenta a cuenta en un iPhone. Vídeo de la transacción: enlace En un mundo financiero donde la conveniencia y la seguridad son primordiales, kevin. ha establecido un nuevo pináculo al ejecutar el primer pago NFC de cuenta a cuenta que no es Apple Pay en un iPhone. Este salto tecnológico sigue la presión de la Comisión Europea sobre Apple para democratizar el acceso a NFC. Esto llega después de años en los que el estricto control de Apple sobre la tecnología NFC en dispositivos iOS había sofocado la competencia de terceros. Pavel Sokolovas, cofundador de kevin., articula la magnitud de este momento: “Superar las barreras finales de los pagos NFC en dispositivos iOS representa un verdadero momento trascendental. Estamos inmensamente orgullosos de ser los primeros en proporcionar transacciones de cuenta a cuenta utilizando NFC de Apple, dando a los consumidores el poder de elegir cómo pagan.” En enero de 2022, kevin. hizo olas al habilitar este método de pago innovador para los usuarios de Android, un movimiento elogiado por su originalidad y empuje hacia un ecosistema de pagos abierto. Ahora, con los cambios regulatorios en marcha, kevin. obtuvo rápidamente la autorización bajo el Programa de Derechos NFC de Apple y se embarcó en el desarrollo en su entorno controlado. Justamente seis semanas después del lanzamiento del programa de Apple, kevin. celebró la ejecución exitosa de la transacción experimental en modo de desarrollo, preparando el escenario para lo que podría revolucionar las interacciones en el punto de venta (POS). Sokolovas delineó el viaje técnico: “Hemos estado desarrollando rigurosamente dentro del marco arquitectónico de Apple. Nuestro equipo trabajó incansablemente para integrar nuestra solución técnica de kevin. dentro de la emulación de tarjeta anfitrión (HCE) de Apple, incluyendo estándares de seguridad, validación de transacciones y mucho más para crear una experiencia sin fisuras que permita a los usuarios realizar transacciones desde sus aplicaciones bancarias o de billetera.” La Comisión Europea continúa monitoreando los comentarios de los primeros desarrolladores como kevin. mientras anticipa el inicio oficial de una implementación más amplia de NFC. Este escrutinio subraya la dedicación de la Comisión para fomentar la innovación y la competencia equitativa en la esfera de pagos móviles. Mirando hacia el futuro, la industria anticipa un aumento en soluciones de pago similares tras este éxito inicial. kevin. de hecho ha establecido un precedente dominante, prometiendo un mercado abierto donde los consumidores ya no están limitados por plataformas de pago específicas del dispositivo — una reconfiguración fundamental de cómo se realizan transacciones en todo el mundo. kevin. es una empresa de tecnología visionaria que está reformando los sistemas de pagos para las necesidades del mañana. Desde sus oficinas centrales en Europa hasta la reciente expansión en el bullicioso centro financiero de Dubái, la misión de kevin. ha sido consistente: ofrecer tecnología de punta a punta confiable y ahorros significativos en tarifas por transacción sin cambiar la forma en que las personas pagan. La introducción de su red de aceptación de pagos multiarrendataria y agnóstica de la marca marca un cambio significativo para consumidores y empresas por igual, otorgando autonomía y valor sin los impedimentos de la tecnología heredada. Descargar: logotipo de Kevin, imagen de Pavel Sokolovas y vídeo de la transacción de iOS: enlace - termina - Acerca de kevin. kevin. es una empresa de tecnología pionera con la misión de revolucionar los sistemas de pagos heredados. Con una infraestructura recién construida, kevin. hace que las transacciones sean más eficientes, seguras y convenientes tanto para ventas digitales como físicas. La red de aceptación de pagos multiarrendataria de la compañía es de etiqueta blanca, agnóstica de la marca y sin intermediarios, ofreciendo a los socios el control completo de sus procesos de pago en tienda. Esto les permite desbloquear un valor mayor a través de nuevos servicios, tasas de conversión mejoradas y lealtad de clientes reforzada. La red de kevin. redefine los pagos internacionales, asegurando una infraestructura de pago NFC de cuenta a cuenta segura y sin fisuras para terminales POS en todo el mundo. Esta innovación ofrece una experiencia de 'tap and go', compatible con dispositivos Android y iOS, haciendo los pagos internacionales tan familiares como los locales. kevin. cuenta con el respaldo de Accel, Eurazeo y otros inversores, incluyendo OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean y Global Paytech Venture. Compromiso con el Ecosistema El objetivo de kevin. es empoderar a todos los jugadores en el ecosistema de pago, incluyendo bancos, billeteras digitales, minoristas y otros. La compañía permite a estas entidades lanzar sus propios esquemas independientes no tarjetas o expandir sus servicios conectándose con una red existente en la plataforma de kevin. Contact Details NettResults Relaciones Públicas Nick Leighton +1 949-478-5880 Company Website

April 11, 2024 07:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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kevin. triomphe avec la première transaction NFC de compte à compte sur iPhone


Dans un événement révolutionnaire destiné à bouleverser le paysage des paiements en magasin, kevin., un pionnier de la technologie de paiement, a réussi la toute première transaction NFC de compte à compte sur un iPhone. Vidéo de la transaction: lien Dans un monde financier où la commodité et la sécurité sont de la plus haute importance, kevin. a établi un nouveau sommet en exécutant le premier paiement NFC de compte à compte non-Apple Pay sur un iPhone. Ce bond technologique fait suite à la pression exercée par la Commission européenne sur Apple pour démocratiser l'accès au NFC. Cela survient après des années durant lesquelles le contrôle strict d'Apple sur la technologie NFC dans les appareils iOS avait étouffé la concurrence de tiers. Pavel Sokolovas, co-fondateur de kevin., exprime l'ampleur de ce moment: « Briser les dernières barrières des paiements NFC sur les appareils iOS représente un véritable moment charnière. Nous sommes immensément fiers d'être les premiers à fournir des transactions de compte à compte en utilisant le NFC d'Apple, donnant aux consommateurs le pouvoir de choisir leur mode de paiement. » En janvier 2022, kevin. a fait sensation en activant cette méthode de paiement innovante pour les utilisateurs Android, démarche saluée pour son originalité et sa volonté vers un écosystème de paiement ouvert. Maintenant, avec les changements réglementaires en cours, kevin. a rapidement obtenu l'autorisation dans le cadre du programme d'entitlement NFC d'Apple et a commencé le développement dans leur environnement contrôlé. Juste six semaines après le lancement du programme d'Apple, kevin. célébrait l'exécution réussie de la transaction expérimentale en mode développement, préparant le terrain pour ce qui pourrait révolutionner les interactions aux points de vente (POS). Sokolovas a décrit le parcours technique: « Nous avons développé de manière rigoureuse dans le cadre architectural d'Apple. Notre équipe a travaillé sans relâche pour intégrer notre solution technique kevin. dans l'émulation de carte hôte (HCE) d'Apple, comprenant les normes de sécurité, la validation des transactions et bien plus encore pour créer une expérience transparente permettant aux utilisateurs des transactions à partir de leurs applications bancaires ou de portefeuille. » La Commission européenne continue de surveiller les retours des premiers développeurs comme kevin. tout en anticipant le démarrage officiel d'une mise en œuvre plus large du NFC. Cette surveillance souligne l'engagement de la Commission à favoriser l'innovation et la concurrence équitable dans le domaine des paiements mobiles. Le secteur anticipe une montée en flèche de solutions de paiement similaires à la suite de ce succès initial. kevin. a en effet établi un précédent dominant, promettant un marché ouvert où les consommateurs ne sont plus limités par des plateformes de paiement spécifiques aux dispositifs - une refonte fondamentale de la façon dont les transactions sont menées dans le monde entier. kevin. est une entreprise de technologie visionnaire qui redéfinit les systèmes de paiement pour répondre aux besoins de demain. De son siège mondial en Europe à son récent expansion dans le centre financier animé de Dubaï, la mission de kevin. a été constante: offrir une technologie de bout en bout fiable et des économies substantielles sur les frais de transaction sans changer la façon dont les gens paient. L'introduction de leur réseau d'acceptation de paiement multi-locataire et indépendant de la marque marque une évolution significative pour les consommateurs et les entreprises, accordant l'autonomie et la valeur sans les contraintes de la technologie héritée. Télécharger: logo Kevin, image de Pavel Sokolovas et vidéo de transaction iOS: lien - fin - À propos de kevin. kevin. est une entreprise de technologie pionnière dont la mission est de révolutionner les systèmes de paiement hérités. Avec une infrastructure nouvellement construite, kevin. rend les transactions plus efficaces, sécurisées et pratiques pour les ventes numériques et physiques. Son réseau d'acceptation de paiements multi-locataire est blanc de marque, indépendant de la marque et sans intermédiaire, offrant aux partenaires un contrôle complet de leurs processus de paiement en magasin. Cela les habilite à débloquer une plus grande valeur grâce à de nouveaux services, des taux de conversion améliorés et une fidélité client renforcée. Le réseau kevin. redéfinit les paiements internationaux, assurant une infrastructure de paiement NFC sécurisée de compte à compte pour les terminaux POS dans le monde entier. Cette innovation offre une expérience de 'tap and go', compatible avec les appareils Android et iOS, rendant les paiements internationaux aussi familiers que les paiements locaux. kevin. est soutenu par Accel, Eurazeo et d'autres investisseurs, y compris OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean et Global Paytech Venture. Engagement envers l'écosystème L'objectif de kevin. est d'autonomiser tous les acteurs de l'écosystème de paiement, y compris les banques, les portefeuilles numériques, les détaillants et autres. L'entreprise permet à ces entités de lancer leurs propres schémas indépendants non-carte ou d'élargir leurs services en se connectant à un réseau existant sur la plateforme kevin. Contact Details NettResults Relations Publiques Nick Leighton +1 949-478-5880 Company Website

April 11, 2024 07:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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New Alvarez & Marsal Spring 2024 Consumer Sentiment Report Highlights Impact of Ongoing Consumer Skepticism on Spring & Summer Spending Plans

Alvarez & Marsal Consumer and Retail Group

Consumers, specifically those with higher household incomes, intend to reduce spending on essentials, experiences, gifts, and indulgences this spring The number of higher-income earners cutting back on spending to prioritize saving has increased in Spring ’24 compared to previous cycles Cost-conscious consumers are increasingly engaging in sales and second-hand shopping as a way to reduce spending Despite financial uncertainty, consumers are still eager to take vacations this year, showing resilience in their desire for leisure compared to last spring (2023) Global professional services firm Alvarez & Marsal’s Consumer and Retail Group (A&M CRG) released its latest consumer report, Consumer Sentiment Survey Spring 2024, which examines the influence of inflation and resulting changes in consumer spending over the last year, as well as spending outlook for the upcoming six-month timeframe. This is the sixth chapter of its bi-annual Consumer Sentiment Report, based on a survey of 1,800+ consumers matching the U.S. adult population according to gender, age, ethnicity, region and income. The report delves into shifting behaviors in response to personal finances and economic conditions. It includes insights into consumers' shopping priorities across categories, concerns about increasing prices, vacation plans, and other factors shaping purchase decisions for the upcoming spring season, among other relevant insights. “Our semi-annual survey aims to analyze the influence of ongoing economic concerns on consumer spending patterns, channel preferences, and their overall confidence in financial stability over time. Retailers can utilize the data and insights from our report to develop financial plans, efficiently manage inventory, enhance marketing campaigns, and establish pricing strategies at a category level,” stated Chad Lusk, Managing Director at Alvarez & Marsal’s Consumer and Retail Group. “This survey cycle reveals a growing consumer pessimism as we head into the spring season, with intentions to exercise greater caution in spending especially in higher income households.” The study found that: Consumer outlook for spring is weaker as consumers are anticipating spending less and having less money versus Fall ‘23 Consumers are planning to reduce spending across the board but show the smallest decline in spending intentions for experiences compared to Fall ‘23, with a rising number of respondents planning vacations this year In higher income brackets, there's a notable trend towards prioritizing saving over spending. In the $200K+ income bracket, the percentage of respondents prioritizing saving surged by 12% compared to Fall '23. Across various spending categories, we consistently observed the most significant decreases in desire to spend in the higher income households Higher income households are turning to second-hand shopping to save money. The number of respondents earning $100K+ who shop second-hand to save costs increased by 10% this spring. "Retailers must recognize the cautious consumer mindset and adjust strategic priorities accordingly to align with spending plans," Lusk advised. "Retailers, particularly ones servicing higher income consumers, should anticipate providing discounts and promotions across different categories as the season progresses, also while implementing flexible inventory strategies to minimize overall liabilities, given that those typically less affected by recession or inflation will be spending less.” To download a pdf of Consumer Sentiment Survey Spring 2024, please visit: The Alvarez and Marsal Consumer and Retail Group (CRG) is a management consulting firm that tackles the most complex challenges and advances its clients, people, and communities towards their maximum potential. CRG combines the best of A&M’s broader firm's bias toward action and practicality with deep consumer and retail industry experience. CRG partners with businesses across a wide range of categories including Food & Beverage, Beauty & Personal Care, Grocery, Mass Merchandise, and Apparel & Footwear to drive significant performance improvement. Contact Details David Schneidman Company Website

April 10, 2024 11:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Korean Beauty Brand MIXIK SKIN Launches With Industry First, All-Mist Skincare Line


MIXIK SKIN, a Korean beauty brand based in Los Angeles, launched today on a mission to break down the barriers of skincare, making it accessible for all, irrespective of age, gender, or skin type. Teaming up with first retail partner Thirteen Lune, MIXIK SKIN’s innovative all-mist skincare line introduces a minimalist yet effective skincare collection designed to simplify routines while delivering exceptional results. Founder Sunny Oh created MIXIK SKIN out of an essential need for a convenient, sanitary, and travel-friendly skincare solution that was fun yet effective. Inspired by Korean beauty practices, Oh joined forces with co-founders Christine Moon and Lena Park, who recognized the transformative potential of mists in skincare, especially for those with active lifestyles, and embarked on a mission to integrate the ease of mists into every facet of skincare rituals. "Society often dictates rigid standards of beauty and skincare, but we believe that everyone deserves access to products that enhance their natural beauty without limitations," said Sunny Oh, CEO and Co-Founder of MIXIK SKIN. "With MIXIK SKIN, we're not just offering sanitary skincare; we're offering empowerment – the freedom to embrace your unique skin journey confidently, conveniently, and consistently." MIKIK SKIN blends the best of both worlds with roots in Los Angeles and production and innovation from Korea. At MIXIK, crafting skincare solutions from luxury-quality ingredients at an affordable rate is imperative to its ethos as the brand aims to cultivate a diverse and inclusive beauty landscape, ensuring that everyone’s skincare needs are addressed at every price point. "As a Korean-American, I've always felt a deep connection to both cultures, and MIXIK SKIN is a reflection of that fusion," said Christine Moon, Managing Director and Co-Founder of MIXIK SKIN. "We're proud to bring the essence of Korean beauty to a global audience, while also championing diversity in an industry that often lacks representation." MIXIK SKIN's debut collection features four essential products: the Cleansing Oil, Jelly Toner, Botanical Serum, and Hydra Cream, all formulated with the rejuvenating properties of blue agave and rosewater. Crafted with a commitment to ethical practices, all MIXIK SKIN products are cruelty-free and vegan, embodying the brand's core values of inclusivity, simplicity, and quality. "We believe that skincare should be both effective and enjoyable, which is why we've curated a line that prioritizes simplicity without compromising on results," said Lena Park, Brand Director and Co-Founder of MIXIK SKIN. "Our products are designed to fit seamlessly into any routine, providing nourishment and hydration for every skin type." MIXIK SKIN is available to shop at and at Thirteen Lune. For more information and updates, visit and follow @mixikskin on social media. Hi-res images, interviews, and media samples are available upon request. About MIXIK SKIN: MIXIK SKIN is a Korean beauty brand based in Los Angeles, dedicated to breaking down the barriers of skincare and making it accessible for all. Founded by Sunny Oh, Christine Moon, and Lena Park, MIXIK SKIN blends the best of Korean skincare wisdom with modern innovation, offering a range of minimalist yet effective products designed for every skin type and gender identity. With a commitment to inclusivity, simplicity, and quality, MIXIK SKIN empowers individuals to embrace their unique skin journey with confidence. Contact Details Six One Agency Cami Carlson

April 02, 2024 08:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Consumer Discretionary Sector SPDR Fund (XLY): Tapping Into the Luxury Consumer Market

Select Sector SPDR

The Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLY) offers investors a unique opportunity to gain exposure to the high-end retail market. XLY offers exposure to the consumer discretionary sector, making it an appealing option for investors looking to tap into the potential of profit margins from high-priced goods and services. This sector includes companies involved in the production and distribution of non-essential goods and services such as electronics, travel, dining out, vacations, video games, toys, and entertainment. A Look At The Top Holdings* Currently XLY's holdings include a comprehensive list of high-performing stocks from industry-leading companies like Amazon (23.14%), Tesla (12.85%), Home Depot (10.07%), McDonald's (4.24%) and Lowe’s (3.96%). These companies cater not only to the luxury goods market, but also to discretionary spending in other areas, ensuring that investors can benefit from a diverse range of consumer spending patterns. Since its establishment in 1998, the XLY fund has amassed over $20 billion in assets under management, with an investor-friendly expense ratio of 0.09%**. The fund aims to replicate the performance of the S&P 500 Consumer Discretionary Index, providing a comprehensive view of the consumer discretionary space, allowing investors to benefit from the sector's potential growth. Going Strong Year Over Year With the economy on the mend, the consumer discretionary sector is poised to thrive. As consumer confidence strengthens, discretionary spending is anticipated to rise, potentially favoring companies in this sector. In summary, the XLY fund presents a unique method to invest in the high-end retail market. It's an opportunity to delve into the spending habits of wealthy consumers, without the necessity to scrutinize individual companies. With its diversified portfolio and cost-effectiveness, the XLY fund is a noteworthy consideration for investors aiming to harness the potential of the consumer discretionary sector. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of research and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Therefore, Select Sector SPDRs or the publisher is not liable for any decision made based on the publication. About the Company: Select Sector SPDR ETFs offer flexibility and customization opportunities. Many investors have similar outlooks, but no two are exactly alike. Select Sector SPDR ETFs let investors select the sectors that best meet their investment goals. *Holdings, Weightings & Assets as of 3/31/24 subject to change **Ordinary brokerage fees apply DISCLOSURES The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 common stocks that is generally considered representative of the U.S. stock market. The index is heavily weighted toward stocks with large market capitalizations and represents approximately two-thirds of the total market value of all domestic common stocks. The S&P 500 Index figures do not reflect any fees, expenses or taxes. An investor should consider investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses before investing. One may not invest directly in an index. Transparent ETFs provide daily disclosure of portfolio holdings and weightings All ETFs are subject to risk, including loss of principal. Sector ETF products are also subject to sector risk and nondiversification risk, which generally will result in greater price fluctuations than the overall market. Diversification does not eliminate risk. An investor should consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus, which contains this and other information, call 1-866-SECTOR-ETF (732-8673) or visit Read the prospectus carefully before investing. ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., a registered broker-dealer, is distributor for the Select Sector SPDR Trust. Media Contact: Company: Select Sector SPDRs Contact: Dan Dolan* Address: 1290 Broadway, Suite 1000, Denver, CO 80203 Country: United States Email: Website: *Dan Dolan is a Registered Representative of ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc. ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., a registered broker-dealer, is the distributor for the Select Sector SPDR Trust. SEL007402 EXP 5/31/24 Contact Details Dan Dolan +1 203-935-8103 Company Website

April 02, 2024 05:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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ToolsGroup and Scarpe&Scarpe to Present at upcoming eP Summit, April 9-10, Florence, Italy


ToolsGroup is excited to announce our participation in the upcoming eP Summit 2024, the Pitti Immagine event focused on the relationship between fashion and the digital world in Florence, Italy, on April 9-10. Additionally, we are thrilled to highlight the presence of one of our top retail customers in Italy, Scarpe&Scarpe, who will share their success story. Marcello Pace, CEO of Scarpe&Scarpe, a major player in the retail of shoes and leather goods with over 100 stores across Italy, will discuss how the company is transforming its merchandising processes by integrating ToolsGroup’s AI-powered solutions. This revolutionary approach has enabled Scarpe&Scarpe to optimize margins while minimizing overstock, resulting in significant business improvements. Pace first saw the value of the ToolsGroup solutions at the time when he was CEO of PittaRosso, another large Italian retailer of shoes, an experience which has eventually been published as a Harvard Business School case study. Facing the challenge of overstock and the need to enhance sell-through rates, PittaRosso implemented an automated markdown optimization solution leveraging historical sales data, comprehensive market insights, and inventory analytics. Within just two months of adopting ToolsGroup’s AI-driven solution, PittaRosso experienced a remarkable +14.3% increase in sell-through, alongside improved inventory efficiency, contributing to a €4.2 million boost in the overall margin. Pace’s success in generating growth for PittaRosso through revolutionary AI was the foundation for his vision towards achieving a similarly transformative impact at Scarpe&Scarpe. Marcello Pace commented, “We urgently needed a strategy to maximize margin and sell-through rates. Within just months, ToolsGroup’s AI-powered solution provided tangible results, perfectly aligning with our inventory and growth objectives. Embracing digital transformation is crucial for our brand’s retail expansion, and ToolsGroup emerged as the ideal technological partner to enhance our revenue and margin growth.” Inna Kuznetsova, CEO of ToolsGroup, emphasized, ““Scarpe&Scarpe's success embodies today’s AI powered revolution in retail and supply chain planning technologies. The immediate business impact they observed is a testament to how real-time decision making not only adapts to an unpredictable market, but enables businesses to thrive in it. It's a privilege to partner with Scarpe&Scarpe on their innovation and digital transformation journey. Together, we're paving the way for smarter, more sustainable growth.” Curious to learn more about ToolsGroup’s retail planning solutions? Book a meeting with us at the link and visit our booth A/5 at eP Summit on April 9-10 at Stazione Leopolda, Florence. About Scarpe&Scarpe From the 1960s to today, from retail to specialized distribution, the Scarpe&Scarpe brand has been the protagonist of great changes while remaining faithful to its mission. The variety of proposals, the quality of materials and the competitiveness of prices have always characterized the entire production of a company which, through targeted investments and constant attention to competitive scenarios, has been able to conquer the Italian market by responding to the needs of the public in always effective manner. Today, thanks to the strong identity of the brand, the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial strategies, the careful planning of the format of the exhibition spaces and the qualification of the sales staff, Scarpe&Scarpe is a consolidated and successful commercial reality, as explicitly demonstrated by the data on its dimensions. In fact, the brand currently has over 100 stores distributed across the country and relies on the collaboration of 1300 employees. About ToolsGroup ToolsGroup’s innovative AI-powered solutions enable retailers, distributors, and manufacturers to navigate through supply chain uncertainty. Our retail and supply chain planning suites empower a new level of intelligent decision-making and unlock powerful business improvements in forecast accuracy, service levels, and inventory - delighting customers and achieving financial and ESG KPIs. Stay in touch with ToolsGroup on LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, or visit Contact Details Meir Kahtan +1 917-864-0800 Company Website

March 28, 2024 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Timothy Applegate Elected as Board Chair Elect for National Contract Management Association

National Contract Management Association

The National Contract Management Association (NCMA), dedicated to advancing the contract management profession, proudly announces the appointment of Timothy Applegate as its Board Chair for Program Year 2026, that begins July 1, 2025. A retired Colonel in the United States Air Force, Mr. Applegate brings over 36 years of acquisition and contracting expertise to the role. Mr. Applegate is currently a distinguished member of the Senior Executive Service and Director of the Acquisition Management and Integration Center at Headquarters Air Combat Command (ACC), where he is responsible for overseeing a total acquisition portfolio exceeding $20 billion. A devoted member of NCMA since 1992, an NCMA Certified Professional Contract Manager™ (CPCM™) certificant, Board Member (2018- 2021 and 2023-2024), and Board Advisor (2021-2022), Mr. Applegate is a dedicated and long-standing champion of NCMA and the role it plays in the advancement of the contract management profession. "It is a privilege to serve alongside such esteemed colleagues and I look forward to working with the NCMA's dedicated members and partners,” said Mr. Applegate. Kraig Conrad, CEO of NCMA, added, "Tim's wealth of experience and expertise is truly invaluable to meet our strategic objectives. Over the past six years, he has been instrumental in fostering the growth and evolution of our association through his dedicated service. I am eager to collaborate with him to advance our Common Language Initiative and expand our partnerships to elevate the profession with international standards.” With Mr. Applegate assuming the role of Board Chair-Elect, NCMA is poised to further enhance its programs and standards, ensuring that practitioners receive unparalleled support and opportunities for professional development and certification. The entire NCMA community eagerly looks forward to the transformative leadership that Mr. Applegate will bring to the organization. The National Contract Management Association (NCMA) – – has grown as a professional society whose mission is to collaborate towards a globally recognized contract management profession that strengthens its nexus with related acquisition communities. Serving approximately 20,000 members in both the public and private sectors, NCMA propels the growth, advancement, and impact of practitioners through a steadfast commitment to serve through the open exchange of ideas in neutral forums. Contact Details National Contract Management Assocation Holly DeHesa +1 281-865-3296 Company Website

March 26, 2024 06:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Adin Avertising Technology Announces AI-Based Approach to Digital Media Planning - Adin.Ai

Spark Metro PR

In an era marked by challenges in transparency and efficiency, Adin.Ai disrupts the traditional media planning sector by emerging as a beacon of innovation, transforming the landscape of media planning through its AI-based advertising intelligence platform. With unparalleled precision and strategy, Adin.Ai revolutionizes planning processes across TV and digital platforms. The Visionary Team Behind Adin.Ai's Success At the helm of Adin.Ai's ground-breaking platform is an esteemed team of industry pioneers, led by the renowned entrepreneur Serhat Gurcu, a five-time honoree on the Fortune 40 Under 40 list. Partnering with Gurcu is Prof. Altan Cakır, a luminary in data science and artificial intelligence. Together with other esteemed founding partners, including visionary 2 CTOs, a PhD holder, a rising star female co-founder in media, and another female co-founder who is one of the Fast Company Female Founders for 3 years in a row, Adin.Ai stands poised at the forefront of the industry. Innovative Technology Drives Enhanced Transparency Adin.Ai's integration of AI and blockchain technology ensures an unprecedented level of transactional transparency. Through, each transaction is securely recorded, instilling advertisers with the confidence needed to invest in their media planning strategies. Industry Recognition and Collaborative Ventures Fast Company's recognition of Adin.Ai on both its Most Innovative Companies and Startup 100 lists underscores the company's impact. Additionally, AWS lauds Adin.Ai's proactive adoption of emerging cloud and AI technologies, particularly its utilization of generative AI, a testament to Adin.Ai's commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements. The collaboration between Adin.Ai and AWS engineers has resulted in a unique amalgamation of different AWS modules, harmoniously working together to enhance Adin.Ai's capabilities. With AWS's validation of its technology and an upcoming collaboration with KPMG, Adin.Ai is primed to further its influence on global media transparency. Stellar Financial Performance Foreshadows Success In its Proof of Concept (POC) year, Adin.Ai generated an impressive revenue of 300K USD, setting a robust foundation for its future endeavors. Subsequently, in its first official year, the company achieved an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) of 2.4M USD, alongside a Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) of 200K USD. Notably, 70% of this revenue was generated in Turkey, a testament to Adin.Ai's resilience amid currency fluctuations. Additionally, the company reported 11 M USD Billings in its first year, indicating strong growth and market demand for its innovative solutions. Explosive Growth in Competitive Markets Adin.Ai's strategic focus on expansion across Europe and the UK has yielded exceptional results, with a staggering 700% growth compared to the previous year. This exponential growth underscores Adin.Ai's strong business model and the burgeoning demand for innovative AI solutions in media planning. Rapid Expansion and Global Ambitions With its remarkable revenue achievements and unprecedented growth rate, Adin.Ai is poised to emerge as the preeminent interface for advertisers worldwide. The company's sights are set on further expansion and solidifying its status as a USA-established company, with Istanbul serving as the operational hub for the Europe, UK, and EMEA region, and London as the headquarters for Europe. This strategic positioning, coupled with global acclaim, sets new benchmarks for excellence in the industry. Adin.Ai is strategically positioned to shape the future of advertising, where AI-based decisions redefine the landscape. Client Success Stories Adin.Ai's transformative impact is evident through the success stories of its clients. A FINTECH company from Spain achieved a remarkable 30% reduction in Cost Per Acquisition, while the largest private bank in Turkey witnessed a substantial 70% increase in Viewability. Additionally, a fashion company from the UK experienced a significant 64% boost in Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), and a gaming company from the Netherlands successfully mitigated display ad fraud by 52%. These results underscore Adin.Ai's commitment to driving tangible outcomes for its clients across diverse industries. Adin.Ai as the AI-Based Digital Advertising Platform for Enterprise Advertisers: Maximize Ad Return up to 5X; Minimize Effort up to 100X. With Adin.Ai, advertisers gain access to a cutting-edge platform that maximizes ad returns up to 5 times while minimizing effort up to 100 times. Our revolutionary AI-driven approach to digital media planning empowers advertisers to achieve unparalleled success in their campaigns. For further insights into Adin.Ai's journey and services, visit Founders of the Company: Serhat Gürcü: LinkedIn Profile Prof. Altan Çakır: LinkedIn Profile Selin Ergin: LinkedIn Profile Halil Faruk Deniz: LinkedIn Profile Özgün Akın: LinkedIn Profile Seden Gürcü: LinkedIn Profile SOURCE: Adin.Ai Contact Details Seden Gurcu +90 533 476 96 49 Company Website

March 26, 2024 11:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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