Paralyzed Veterans of America works to end handicapped parking abuse, marks 75th year advocating for accessibility
A video accompanying this announcement is available at: https://youtu.be/ulJa59_iS_w Accessible parking spaces designed specifically for people with disabilities are often misused, causing added difficulties for paralyzed veterans and others with disabilities. A survey found that 85% of Americans with disabilities struggled to find accessible parking in their communities, and over 50% turned back when they couldn’t find accessible parking. What can be done to combat this problem? Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) has launched the Honor the Spot campaign to encourage all Americans to do their part to keep handicapped parking spaces open for people who need them to be independent. The campaign reminds people that accessible spots are a civil right, and taking them means people with disabilities may not get to appointments and errands. The call to Honor the Spot comes as public spaces open up to larger capacities as pandemic restrictions ease, and as PVA marks its 75 th year as a voice for veterans with spinal cord conditions, and all people with disabilities. PVA is asking people to pledge to be part of the solution at pva.org/HonortheSpot, not to make excuses for taking accessible spots, and not to share handicapped placards for any reason. About Paralyzed Veterans of America: For 75 years, Paralyzed Veterans of America has been the only Veterans service organization dedicated solely to helping Veterans with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D), and diseases like MS and ALS. Our team of legislative advocates, architects, medical professionals, lawyers, and other highly trained professionals strives to ensure that every Veteran regains the freedom, independence, and quality of life they fought for. PVA is a major support system for our nation’s paralyzed heroes, their families, and caregivers, through ensuring quality health care; securing earned benefits; fighting for disability civil rights; making America more accessible; helping Veterans find meaningful careers; empowering them through sports, recreation, and wellness programs; and funding both research and education in search for a cure and improved care and autonomy for individuals with paralysis. Operating more than 70 offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, PVA helps paralyzed Veterans and all people with disabilities live fuller, more productive lives. Learn more at pva.org. About YourUpdateTV: YourUpdateTV is a social media video portal for organizations to share their content. It includes separate channels for Health and Wellness, Lifestyle, Media and Entertainment, Money and Finance, Social Responsibility, Sports and Technology. Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727 yourupdatetv@gmail.com
June 23, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time