Survey Reveals Permanent Changes in Behavior and Expectations Beyond COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
Metova Inc.
Metova, a leading provider of custom software solutions for mobile, web, connected home and car, and Internet of Things (IoT) for the private and public sector today announced the results of their latest blind survey of over 1000 people in the United States regarding behavior, trends and expectations beyond the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Notably, “curbside pickup” led the way as the “most helpful thing” during COVID-19, outpacing video calling, online video streaming, telemedicine and mobile food and grocery services. In addition, of those who plan on getting the COVID-19 vaccine, 64% will avoid staying in a hotel, casino or resort for the remainder of 2021 if given the option. A notable, positive finding of the survey: “Quality Family Time” leads by nearly 2 to 1 in “positive life events that came out of the pandemic” – outpacing new hobbies, skills, personal fitness and home improvements. For a freely reusable infographic summarizing Metova’s Winter 2021 Post-Vaccine COVID-19 Survey, visit: https://metova.com/infographic-expectations-beyond-covid-19/ “At Metova in our work with telehealth, mobile tech, smart home and connected technologies for the hotel and hospitality industry, it’s essential we understand the quickly evolving sentiment and preferences of our clients' customers,” said Jonathan Sasse, chief strategy officer at Metova. "COVID-19 has accelerated and in many cases truly disrupted consumer preferences and behavior, and it’s essential for industries to understand these changes in order to best serve their customers.” Metova’s Winter 2021 Post-Vaccine COVID-19 Survey: “Curbside Pickup” lead the way as the “most helpful thing” during COVID-19, outpacing video calling, online video streaming, telemedicine and mobile food and grocery services “Quality Family Time” leads the way by nearly 2 to 1 in positive life events that came out of the pandemic, outpacing new hobbies, skills, personal fitness and home improvements 86% of people working from home due to COVID-19 want to continue working from home after getting the vaccine 64% after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, if given the option, will avoid staying in a hotel, casino or resort for the remainder of 2021 1 in 4 say they won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine because they don’t think it is safe Additional Metova technology and culture sentiment surveys include: Telehealth, Contact Tracing and COVID-19, Working From Home Due to COVID-19, Internet of Things, Mobile First, the Connected Car and Smartphones and Healthcare. For a a summary of Metova 2020 survey findings, please visit: https://metova.com/metova-industry-intelligence-survey-findings-of-2020/ ABOUT METOVA Founded in 2006, with a belief that mobile would be even more transformative than the internet, Metova set out to build innovative mobile applications while also creating a great place for people to work. Today, Metova continues to build on its success by retaining world-class talent and helping companies transform their business through technology. After identifying customer needs, informed through industry-trusted surveys and analysis, Metova defines and builds the experiences customers expect, aligned with business goals to streamline workflows and increase revenues – while delighting customers and disrupting industries. Contact Details Metova Anders Steele +1 323-909-2341 anders.steele@metova.com Company Website https://metova.com
February 26, 2021 09:29 AM Eastern Standard Time