House Budget Chairman Introduces a Constitutional Path for Voters to Approve a State-drafted and Inflation-fighting Fiscal Responsibility Amendment
Federal Fiscal Sustainability Foundation
The Federal Fiscal Sustainability Foundation (FFSF), a coalition of nonpartisan advocates concerned about the impacts of inflation and out-of-control national debt, applaud House Budget Committee Chairman Jody Arrington’s introduction of House Concurrent Resolution 24. This legislation calls for an Article V Convention for proposing a Fiscal Responsibility Amendment to the United States Constitution and stipulates ratification by a vote of We the People.” On Wednesday, March 29 th, former Comptroller General and FFSF Co-Founder David Walker will testify before the House Budget Committee at a Hearing entitled, “ Fiscal State of the Union.” Walker will discuss the “ Fiscal Way Forward ” ( 10:00 AM Eastern in 210 Cannon House Office Building) which includes adopting a federal fiscal responsibility constitutional amendment designed to constrain debt/GDP to a reasonable and sustainable level. HCR 24 calls on Congress to set the time and place for an Article V “Convention for proposing Amendments” and requires amendment ratification by a vote of the people in “ three fourths (38) of the States via State Ratifying Conventions. The resolution also designates the House Clerk as responsible for confirming from congressional records whether, at any time, at least two-thirds (34) of the states “ had unrescinded continuing Applications on any national issues (plenary) plus the single issue of fiscal responsibility. ” Chairman Arrington originally introduced this legislation as HCR 101 in July of 2022 requiring Congress to perform its ministerial duty under Article V of the U.S. Constitution which states: ‘The Congress,...on the Application of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments…to the United States Constitution… The Concurrent Resolution states in part: “beginning in 1979, when Congress appears to have failed in its constitutional duty to count Applications and call a ‘‘Convention for proposing Amendments,’’ the Nation’s debt has increased to more than $31 trillion from $860 billion, while the value of the dollar has declined by over 75 percent.” Hon. David M. Walker, former Comptroller General of the United States, stated, “I commend Rep. Jodey Arrington for his leadership in introducing a resolution designed to restore federal fiscal sanity and uphold the Article V rights of the states to propose and the people to ratify an Inflation-fighting Fiscal Responsibility Amendment. The time has come to end the dereliction of duty by Congress and defuse our ticking debt bomb.” Ken Cuccinelli, former Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, and former Attorney General of Virginia said, “We must use the Constitution to restore the boundaries of power in Washington. The process this resolution calls for is state driven from beginning to end, requiring a vote of the people to ensure its safety. If Congress fails to approve the resolution as Article V appears to mandate, a mandamus action will likely be pursued in Federal Court.” Admiral William Owens, United States Navy (ret.) and former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stated, “Our country seriously needs a strong reminder of both the states’ equal right with Congress to propose Amendments and the seriousness of acting fiscally in the best interests of our country and our national security.” Dr. Barry Poulson, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Colorado stated, “The United States is out of step as more than 90 countries are using fiscal rules today. The “Swiss Debt Brake,” for example, was approved in 2001 by an 85% vote of the people. It slowed total annual spending growth, excluding social security, resulting in Switzerland being ranked as having the highest GDP per capita and the lowest borrowing cost of any AAA rated Country. It is time for citizens to decide how much government they want and are willing to pay for.” “On behalf of my granddaughters, I want to thank U.S. Representative Jodey Arrington for taking this important step to correct Congress’ constitutional failure in 1979 to call the Convention for proposing Amendments. Most importantly, the Resolution would prohibit any proposed Amendments from being added to our Constitution without a majority vote of the people for yes-pledged delegates in three-quarters of the State Conventions,” stated David Biddulph, Co-Founder of the Federal Fiscal Sustainability Foundation. The Concurrent Resolution is a significant victory in the fiscal responsibility coalition’s “ StopInflating.US ” campaign for a state-drafted, voter-approved, inflation-fighting Fiscal Responsibility Amendment to the United States Constitution as soon as November 5, 2024. ### Please visit: StopInflating.US To learn more about the calls for an Article V Convention for proposing Amendments or to schedule an interview with a Federal Fiscal Sustainability Foundation spokesperson, contact Mae James at 386-423-4744. Contact Details Dan Rene +1 202-329-8357 daniel.rene@kglobal.com Company Website https://letusvoteforfra.org/
March 28, 2023 09:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time